Pillsbury Monkey Bread Pull Apart Kit Review

If you love monkey bread but dread the prep work and the mess, the new Pillsbury Monkey Bread Pull Apart Kit may be just the thing for you! It comes with pre-cut dough and sauce included, so all you have to do is add melted butter, mix everything together in a baking pan, then bake it!

That sounds easy enough, but how does the taste compare to traditional monkey bread? We are here to tell you all about our experience trying out the Pillsbury Monkey Bread Pull Apart Kit. Maybe you will discover a good shortcut to delicious monkey bread.

Pillsbury Monkey Bread Pull Apart Kit Review

Pillsbury Monkey Bread Pull Apart Kit prepped

For starters, the instructions are fairly simple. Preheat oven, grease your baking pain, mix 2 tablespoons of melted butter and the caramel sauce in the pan, separate the dough pieces, stir them in to coat them with the butter and sauce, and bake for about 20 minutes at 375 degrees.

Easy for monkey bread, right? The sauce is actually quite sweet with hints of vanilla and cinnamon, not too caramel-forward. Our reviewers liked it. The monkey bread truly smells wonderful as it cooks, filling the whole house with warm, sweet bakery scents. The anticipation of delicious monkey bread was high by the time this came out of the oven!

Pillsbury Monkey Bread Pull Apart Kit cooked

So, is the Pillsbury Monkey Bread Pull Apart Kit a success? Not quite.

Our opinions in this taste test varied. The reviewers that regularly have had the opportunity to enjoy traditional monkey bread were left a bit disappointed by the lack of pecans and true monkey bread flavor here. They think it needs more cinnamon and brown sugar. “It’s not bad, but it’s not monkey bread,” one of them said.

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Those that had not had monkey bread in a long time, if ever, were more forgiving. One reviewer had seconds and rated it highly, declaring that this take on monkey bread is like “a cross between a cinnamon roll and French toast in pull-apart form!” We all agree that it would be even better with chopped pecans baked in though.

Summary and Rating

The Pillsbury Monkey Bread Pull Apart Kit is quick and easy to prepare, and the resulting product is decent and somewhat resembles monkey bread. We feel that it would benefit from the addition of more cinnamon, brown sugar, and chopped pecans.


  • Easy prep
  • Pull apart bites that have good texture
  • Sweet


  • Doesn’t quite taste like monkey bread
  • Needs more cinnamon and chopped pecans

If you are looking for a quick and easy pull apart dessert, this might be just what you need. However, those looking for traditional monkey bread flavors may want to add extra ingredients to this or choose another option.


Rating: 6/10

Have you tried the Pillsbury Monkey Bread Pull Apart Kit? You can share your thoughts in the comments!

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2 thoughts on “Pillsbury Monkey Bread Pull Apart Kit Review”

  1. We had on Christmas Day because all other rolls were OUT at Shoprite in Phoenix, Md. Mom followed directions to the T! We were not impressed. Too dry, it needed more caramel. Also maybe a icing would help too. Just wanted to make you aware. Ty. Merry Christmas

  2. Making this “monkey bread” was fun and easy. I was impatient waiting for the timer to go off because I hadn’t had monkey bread in forever and it sounded so good. I was excited. But after pulling it out of the oven, flipping it over and trying it.. I was very disappointed, it was not good at all. Definitely not monkey bread and doesn’t even compare, this shouldn’t be called monkey bread.


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