Papa John’s Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia Review

Papa John’s has a new Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia that is advertised to the popular flavors of pizza and Doritos Cool Ranch Chips together in one ultimate Papadia complete with a cup of Doritos Cool Ranch dressing for dipping.

Does it deliver the true Doritos Cool Ranch meets pizza experience? Keep reading to find out what our Food Rankers crew thinks!

Papa John’s Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia Review

Most of our crew couldn’t wait to try the new Doritos Papadia as we are fans of Doritos Cool Ranch chips and Papa John’s, so it seems like a good pairing. Ours all came with the advertised dusting of Doritos Cool Ranch seasoning and a cool, creamy dipping sauce, as you can see in the picture below.

Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia Photo

If you order this as it comes, you get onions, tomatoes, cheese, and your choice of chicken, beef, or steak inside. We chose the chicken one as it seemed like a more neutral option so that we could taste more Doritos Cool Ranch flavor. You can also create your own Doritos Papadia with whatever toppings you want, which some of us want to do in the near future.

Our Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia was melty with a crisp, crunchy crust that pleased everyone. It was stuffed with lots of filling with went well with the seasoning on the outside. As far as the Doritos flavor goes, the seasoning on the outside of the Papadia is mild and doesn’t quite provide the Cool Ranch flavor that we expected on its own, so we wondered if the sauce would make or break the experience.

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The scent of the Doritos Cool Ranch dressing is on par with Doritos Cool Ranch chips, but how much can a sauce taste like flavored chips? It turns out that you can make a creamy dip that tastes exactly like Doritos! Everyone gives the sauce top marks for Cool Ranch flavor, and it also makes the Papadilla really taste like a Doritos Papadia. It’s one of those dips that could probably make anything taste great.

If you order one of these, be sure to dip it in the sauce for the full effect!

Summary And Rating

The Papa John’s Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia itself is deliciously crispy and filling. There is a generous amount of seasoning on the outside, which tastes good even though it does not taste exactly like Doritos to most of us. If you want to amp up the Cool Ranch flavor of your Doritos Papadia, or any food for that matter, make good use of the dressing that comes with it!


  • Awesome Doritos Cool Ranch dressing
  • Crispy
  • Melty
  • Filling


  • The seasoning on the outside doesn’t quite taste like Cool Ranch Doritos
  • Limited time offering

We definitely will try this one again, as some of us are curious what the Doritos Cool Ranch dipping sauce would taste like with pepperoni. You can also try the Doritos Cool Ranch Papadilla any way you like by ordering it now from Papa John’s!

Rating: 9.5/10

Have you tried the Doritos Cool Ranch Papadilla yet? You can share your thoughts on it with us in the comments below.

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2 thoughts on “Papa John’s Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia Review”

  1. It was beyond terrible to me. While I was eating it I honestly wondered what I was eating. I couldn’t put my finger on it. The outside flat bread wasn’t terrible and might just be tasty without the ranch seasoning. However the inside was mostly onions with a few over ripe tomatoes sparce chicken and almost no cheese. I did manage to eat half of it. The other half went into the fridge for two days and then into the trash on collection day. The review above said crispy and melty? Not even close…. more like chewed and gooey raw onion pie… 1/5 stars for me.


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