Apple Cider Donut Oreos Review

Oreos come in many flavors, but we don’t often get a fall flavor that features golden Oreos. Here to make dreams come true are Apple Cider Donut Oreos! Why did they add donut to the flavor name? We have no idea, but we will share what we do know and our thoughts on the flavor in this Apple Cider Donut Oreos review!

Get ready for spiced apple creme!

Apple Cider Donut Oreos Review

The scent of sweet, spiced apples is prominent as soon as the package is opened. These Apple Cider creme-filled cookies are every bit as dunkable, twistable, and delicious as other kinds of Oreos. Here is a close-up photo of all the fall-flavored fun.

Apple Cider Donut Oreos Review close-up


The cookie part is a Golden Oreo, simple but good. The magic of this flavor is in the tan-colored creme, which tastes sweet with warming spice notes, such as cinnamon, and hints of apple flavor. While it tastes more like spiced apples or apple cinnamon than apple cider donut, the flavor manages to hit many of the right notes.

The overall reviews were mixed.

Most reviewers enjoyed these “more than expected, even though they don’t exactly taste like apple cider or donuts.” It’s still a unique fall-spiced flavor that is worth trying if you like the idea of apple cinnamon Oreos.

However, a couple of our reviewers that usually prefer the varieties featuring Golden Oreos said they were a little disappointing and not what they expected based on the name, Apple Cider Donut Oreos. For some people, “It’s not bad, but it’s not great either” might summarize their feelings best.

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Did we taste apple cider notes? Yes, to varying degrees. Do Apple Cider Donut Oreos taste anything like donuts? Not really. Perhaps, our ratings would be higher or more consistent for these if they had been called something more similar to their actual taste, such as Apple Cider Oreos or Apple Cinnamon Oreos. Why cause people to think of donuts when they are eating cookies that don’t resemble donuts in any way?

Donut or not, this flavor has some strong points and makes a festive change from standard Oreos.

Summary and Review

Opinions are a little mixed on the success of Apple Cider Donut Oreos. They do manage to at least taste like cinnamon apples.


  • Golden Oreos
  • Nice Fall-flavored addition
  • Mild notes of apple with warm spices


  • Don’t taste much like apple cider or donuts
  • Could use more flavor

If you find the thought of Golden Oreos with apple cinnamon flavored creme appealing, you should try these!

Rating: 6.25/10 (Good)

Have you tried these yet? Do you agree with our Apple Cider Donut Oreos review and rating? Please share your thoughts in the comments!

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